On this page, you can find Karin’s favorite academic resources related to statistical analysis and psychophysiological measurement.

Statistical analysis


  • Website: http://quantpsy.org/
    Quantpsy.org is Dr. Preacher’s website, where he shares a LARGE number of useful publications and online utilities, such as how to probe interaction effects and regions of significance. Very good stuff.
  • Website: www.afhayes.com and www.processmacro.org
    Two websites by Dr. Hayes that also provide a lot of useful resources related to moderation and mediation analysis.
  • Website: http://www.john-uebersax.com/stat/agree.htm
    I appreciate this website for listing explanations and different statistical methods to verify agreement between measures. There’s much more to it than you might think!

Multilevel modeling

Longitudinal modeling

(Zero-Inflated) Poisson Regression

 Bayesian analysis

Psychophysiological measurement


Do you have any useful resources of your own to share? Please email me at k.m.fikkers [at] uu.nl!

Note: These resources are provided as inspiration only – whether or how you use them is your own responsibility.